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Wednesday, February 21, 2018

What's Happening Right Now in Software World?




10 Best CRM Software Recommendations for 2018 

CRM software is a pioneering tool that will rationalize your workflow automation and streamline sales & marketing processes. Make sure that your organization invests in the best CRM software in the market.

8 Latest Hotel Management Software Trends to Watch in 2018

2018 will be one of the actions- packed years for the hospitality business. We have mentioned some of the most important hotel management software trends that are to be employed in the hospitality technology.

Project Management Software Trends Shaping in 2018

These innovative and fast-paced trends are going to have a huge impact on project management in the near future. Make sure not to ignore these trends, instead embrace them as a means for improving output within your organization!

Looking for a More Agile Recruitment Process? 

Therefore, it is a time that you shorten your hiring cycle and switch to the agile recruitment process. This can enable you in future to hire the perfect candidate for the available job posting.

Service Desk vs Help Desk: What’s The Difference?

Now that you understand the impact of a HelpDesk and a Service Desk on a business, we believe it will be convenient for you to name your own IT support desk for your customers.

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