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Thursday, January 1, 2009

Exam Tips - Article came in the SICASA News letter (Oct-Dec. 2008 issue)




Is costing paper a complicated one? Why because most of the CA PCC & Final students are facing problem either by way of conceptual understanding of the problem or by way time management (completing all the questions within 3 hours)


What is there in a costing paper, after all some additions, subtractions, multiplications & division. Yes of course some time square roots too.


Is it really that much difficult paper?


Students may say ´hmm'.. come & write a CA exam then u will know costing is better or bitter paper!!!"


Ok no violence between us….. let us see how to prepare for costing paper for the forthcoming CA exams to score more marks.


Either PCC or Final, the weightage given for the costing theory is 40 marks. Failure in costing is mainly because students don't concentrate much on theory. Without studying costing theory possibility of clearing costing paper is very very remote. Even though I am starting in a pessimistic manner it is the fact. If you are strong in costing theory, minimum you can score 60 marks. All theory questions are direct questions and all the questions are available in our Institute Study material itself and unlike income tax or law paper there are no amendment in costing theory .


Studying theory alone is not important you have to understand properly. On the top of it mere understanding alone is not important, you should remember it. Unless otherwise you remember, recollect & write few points in the examination you won't get marks. Systematic/ planned study is important to remember all the points.


"Failure to plan is equal to planning to fail". Planning is important, at the same time execution is still more important. If you spend absolute one and half hours per day with full concentration for three months you can finish the PCC/Final costing paper very easily. Refer one book, reading more than one book is not advisable. How many books you read is not important, how many time you revise one particular book is more important.


Practical problems should be worked out at least once as if you are taking up your final examination, instead of auditing the questions with solutions by way of ticks. Improve your analytical skills. Practice makes perfection and unless otherwise there is adequate practice nothing will come. While working out the problems avoid writing "K" for thousands and "L" for lakhs because you don't have the privilege to write likes that in examinations. To put zero takes one second and each and ever second counts in an examination. If you put K or L in exam then examiner will award a big "O".  Attend all the questions; don't skip any questions in the exam. The attempt may be failure but you should not fail in attempting any of the questions.











Faculty member of ICAI




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